Monday 21 October 2013

Best New Android Games In This Week

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Pocket League Story 2

Well friends coming week there are many games which going to surprise you, So I decided to share few of them.  The best 2 games in my opinion the first game is "POCKET LEAGUE STORY 2". This is game is like all about the fun, however you will get that much quality as like Fifa or something this is totally different form them it's a pixel-static football team, building your team from the ground just like Sim City style. In this game you have to train up the best player to get the achievement or further league,the game has complete all th quality which can easily convince you to play the most good thing about this that the is multi-player support, the game is on beta now and will come soon.

Gears is a 3D Ball

Well guys the second which I like is Gears 3d ball rolling, it is kind of puzzle game where you will roll the ball and find the way out, the game has 27 level and each level will give tough challenge to clear it, include waterfalls and mazes of the Cavern of Omens.  You can choose to swipe of tilt your phone to control your ball, so this is per your choice, you also have to collect the coins and dodging the obstacle as you go and this all against the clock.

Nokia's 1520 A 20 MP Camera

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Well guys.. according to the latest sources the Nokia 1520 has popped up on Nokia's Tmall store, a Chinese online marketplace. And from What's listed so far, Mostly expecting this Nokia 1520 with Snapdragon 800 processor. A 20 Megapixel pure view camera with 6 in of screen which will give you display of 1080p. Well if we talk about the display so that is quite good and enough but will they would be able to give tough competition against their rivals.. We are still waiting for the exact look of this Nokia Lumia 1520, and about the price there is no clue of price so far yet

Windows Tweak

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Save Your Desktop Setting

Well friends I will tell you how to save your Desktop Setting from your nerdy Friend. Just follow the Steps

Star > Run > regedit


In the right pane create a new DWORD put value name NoSaveSetting and modify it's value to 1 
Now refresh and restart for the setting to get saved

You're done

Get The Serial Key You Wanna It

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Get Any Serial Key

OK make I will tell you that how can you fine the serial key of your software by help of Google, I have used this way to find lot keys and I got so I decided to share with you. So let's start it

Go to Google

In the search bar type "Product name" 94FBR

So basically you have to enter the name of the software that you are looking a serial key in the Product name and you will get it..

What is FBR

Quite simple 94 FBR is part of a office 2000 pro cd key that is widely disturbuted as it by passes the activation requirement of office 2k pro. so when we search the product name and 94FBR, you guarantee will get 2 things ... 

1. the page that are returned are pages dealing specifically with the product or else

2. 94FBR is part of a serial number, you guarantee that any page being retured is a serial number page

like:  "Photoshop" 94FBR

You're done 

The .Msc Command

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Alright guys here's the quick msc commands

Start > Run 

Certificates - certmgr.msc

Indexing Service - ciadv.msc

Computer Management - Computer.msc

Device Manager - devmgmt.msc

Disk Defragmenter - dfrg.msc

Disk Management - diskmgmt.msc

Event Viewer - eventvwr.msc

Shared Folders - fsmgmt.msc

Local Users and Groups - lusrmgr.msc

Removable Storage - ntmsmgr.msc

Removable Store Operator Requests - ntmsoprq.msc

Performance - perfmon.msc

Services - services.msc

Windows Management Infrastructure (WMI) - Wmimgmt.msc

How To Make .Txt Executable

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Make .TXT Executable
Alright guys as you all know that file name.exe is a Executable file and can run a code or program this post will help you to understand that how to make a.txt Executable that can ran any code you want. So what you waiting for let's start it :)

For that you need to download TXT Icon pack: -

You will get both option for download 32 or 16bit icons

after that open a new file, right click - new - shortcut

then type the location of the item 

"X:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe/c file.text" (X" = Driver)

and name it "readme.txt"


After all that and creating the readmme.txt file click right click on it and choose properties in the - "start in " fill - "%currentdir%"in the - "Run" choose - "Minimized".



then change the icon with one of the TXT icon form the pack by right click on the readme.txt file then-properties change Icon

In order to run execute a file you need one you need to change your Server/virus extantion to. TXT and name it file.txt

now you have a. .TXT shortcut and .TXT Executable, when opening the txt shortcut it opens a command

"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe/c test.text" that execute the file you want.

You're done.. you can hide right click by click right on the readme.txt > properties > Layout >.

Windows Tweak

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How To Disable The "Unsigned Driver Dialogs"

Well guys you must be aware about the Unsigned driver and screen which always popping up when you try to install digitally unsigned driver.  What do you do normally? I know we all generally choose to continue the install anyways,but I have had situations where I could not continue the installation I was very annoying at that time, But later I found the way to fix this problem. So let's start it

Click Start > Run > Type 
gpedit.msc [Enter]

then you have to browse the folder tree to the following location

User Configuration - Administrative Template - System
Now right click Code signing for device drivers and select properties. On the setting tab, either select-enable, and then select ignore from the appearing list box..

Or you can click on disable option. Click apply and OK and your set! this is especially for XP Home users

After done with that go to system properties (Windows key + pause or right click 'My computer - properties or control panel - system) on the hardware tab you have to click on the "Driver Signing" button. In the dialogue that come up choose "Ignore" to install the new driver anyways.. 

You're done. 

Windows Tweak

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Speed Up Your Display

When you using the start menu you must be noticed that a delay between different tiers of the menu hierarchy. For the fastest computer experience I will tell you a short tweak of window. 

Star > Run > Type > regedit

HKEY_CURREN_USER\Control Panel\Desktop 

now select Menushowdelay form the list on the right

Now modify and change the value to 0 

You're done Reboot your computer 

To Activate Your Screen Saver By Placing Your Mouse Cursor

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How to Activate or Deactivate Your Screen Saver

Well guys the trick which I tell you today will help you to activate your screen saver whenever you want you just need to place your mouse cursor for that, because sometimes it feels bore to activate screen go to property and all. Just only one simple step and then it would be like a fun.. :) so let's start it

Start > Run > Type > regedit


That's it, now you have to add  new string value and name it mouse corner. Edit new value -Y -N. And press F5 to refresh the registry.

That's all!! Now You're Done... now when you would like to activate your Screen Saver just place your mouse cursor at the top right corner of the screen and if you will move the mouse to the bottom left corner of the screen you will see that your Screen Saver is Deactivate. 

Remove Windows Default Admin Share Files

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How To Remove Admin Share File's

Well guys If you are thinking or want to remove Default Windows share files because we can do whatever we want to share so personally I feel that we don't need Default. Let's see how to remove 

Open the Registry (Start > Run > Type regedit

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Service\ LanmanServer\Parameters]

Value Name : AutoShareWks
Data Type : REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data : (0 = disable shares, 1 = enable)

After that it will stop recreation of the shares, Now we will remove the shares through the Computer Management Console

1. In Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then Double-click Computer Management.

2. Now click to expand Shared Folder, and then click shares or in the shared folder column right click the share you want to delete, click stop sharing and then you have to click on OK

NOTE : To remove the admin share for only the current session or second method by Compute Management Console If you want a permanent then add the autosharewks registry.

How To Repair Broker IE

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How To Fix Broken IE

Alright guys I got one of my friends after so long we were talking in the room and were doing fun over the internet. That was then when my friends asked me that how to repair broken IE. So guys I decided to share this with you guys as well. For that you don't need to install your whole OS again.. So let's start it .

Repair Process

We will start with registry all you have to do, just click on the Start>Run> and Type Regedit

Go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Active \ Setup \ Installed \ Components \ {89920200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383} and then right click the "IsInstalled Value." Click Modify. So you will change the value from 1 to 0.  All right, go ahead and close the editor and reinstall IE from the following link


AMI Beep Codes

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OK. Mates let's find out the Code meaning of AMI (American Megatrends International)

1. Beep DRAM Refresh failure.  There is a problem in the system memory or the motherboard

2. Beeps Memory parity error.  The parity circuit is not working properly.

3. Beeps Base 64K RAM failure. There is a problem with the first 64K of system memory.

4. Beeps System timer not operational. There is problem with the timer (s) that control functions on the motherboard 

5. Beeps processor failure.  The system CPU has failed.

6. Beeps Gate A20/Keyboard controller failure. The keyboard IC Controller failed, preventing gate A20 from switching the processor to protect mode.

7. Beeps Virtual mode exception error.

8. Beeps Video memory error BIOS cannot write to the frame buffer memory on the video card.

9. Beeps ROM Checksum error. The BIOS ROM chip on the motherboard can be faulty

10. Beeps CMOS checksum error. Something on the motherboard is causing an error when trying to interact with CMOS

11. Beeps Bad Cache memory. An error in the level 2 cache memory.

1. Long beep, 2 short failure in the video system

1. Long beep, 3 short failure has been detected in memory above 64k.

1. Long beep, 8 short Display test failure

NOTE : Continuous beeping A problem with the memory or video BIOS Beep Code

Add An Option To Print The Contents Of A Folder

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How To Add An Option To Print Folder

Well guys you must be facing problem to print any folder in explorer and print its contents ? Well so I will help you with that and will tell you how Add an Option to print. For that you don't need to download any software. so let's start it 

First we will batch file for that 

Open your notepad and type
@echo off
dir %1 /-p /0:gn> "%temp% \ listing"
start / w notepad /p "%temp%
del "%temp% \Listing"

Now you have to save As dialog box, type 
"%windir%\printdir.bat" (Save it without Quotation marks ) 

now Click Start, Control Panel, folder
Then click the file types Tab, and after that click 
File Folder.
Click the Advance button 
Click the New button

Now you have to type "Print Directory Listing" (Without the quotation marks) in the action box

In the application used to perform action box, type "Printdir.bat"
(Without the quotation marks)

Now click OK in all the three dialog boxes and close it

Now you need to edit the Registry so open your favorite registry editor 


Right click on "default" and select Modify 

In the file Data box, type "none" (without quotation)

You're done now

Now when you right click a folder you would be able to see the option to print directory.. :) 


Change Thumbnail Size In Windows

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Change Thumbnail Size In windows

Well friends today I would tell you how to change the quality or size of thumbnail Size. For all you need to do just open the registry There is no need of any software's

Click on Start > Run > type "Regedit 


Now create a new DWORD value called ThumbnailSize, and set the value between 32 and 256.

After that you need to create another DWORD value Called ThumbnailQuality, and now, set value it should be 50 and 100.

Key Detail's



Value Name : ThumbnailSize
Date Value : 32 - 256

Date Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Data Value : 50 - 100

Find A Remote IP

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Find A Remote IP

Method 1

Well guys to view someone's IP# when they send you hotmail email do this:

1. Click "Options" on the upper right side of the page.

2. On the left side of the page Click "Mail"

3. Click "Mail Display Setting"

4. Under "Message Header" Select "Full" or "Advanced"

5. Click OK

That was the first method to see someone's IP, however there are many ways to see someone IP let's check out second Method

In Second method you have to reg a dydns account and install the IP pointer, so each time you ping the host name you regestored

Let's check the example first

Suppose your host name is after then you have to keep the little software's runnig. this will keep your update IP to server

Method 3

Well the another method to check or view someone's IP just simply type in nc-vvv-l-1p 80 on your box, which will set it to listen in verbose mode on port 80. Then give them a link to your IP address. (for example and tell them to type it in their browser. The browser shoudl resolve the address as well as append port 80 automatically. But make sure your fiends is not a computer literate

And finally the last method is just download a very simple server such as this on and install it on your comp. Then run it and give your IP to the person you want and tell them to connect to it through a browser . After that server will log their connection and you will get their IP.

here's the link