Monday 21 October 2013

Windows Tweak

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How To Disable The "Unsigned Driver Dialogs"

Well guys you must be aware about the Unsigned driver and screen which always popping up when you try to install digitally unsigned driver.  What do you do normally? I know we all generally choose to continue the install anyways,but I have had situations where I could not continue the installation I was very annoying at that time, But later I found the way to fix this problem. So let's start it

Click Start > Run > Type 
gpedit.msc [Enter]

then you have to browse the folder tree to the following location

User Configuration - Administrative Template - System
Now right click Code signing for device drivers and select properties. On the setting tab, either select-enable, and then select ignore from the appearing list box..

Or you can click on disable option. Click apply and OK and your set! this is especially for XP Home users

After done with that go to system properties (Windows key + pause or right click 'My computer - properties or control panel - system) on the hardware tab you have to click on the "Driver Signing" button. In the dialogue that come up choose "Ignore" to install the new driver anyways.. 

You're done. 

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