Wednesday 9 October 2013

Is Someone There?

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Is Someone There?

Today I would like to share with you a thing which always comes in my mind that why we get scared from dark or maybe from something which always look strange.  Strange means to say, that it could be anything , maybe strange house or isolated place,sound. But my question is something my question is WHY?. Let's find out.

Well it depends on us that how we take the things around us, let's start myself suppose if someone asks me that why I scared from height? I will simply maybe I feel that I could fall and get hurt.  So that was me, this is how it depends on us not everyone scares from height.  Some people scared from balloon because they think that balloon gonna popped right in their face. Same happens with dark.


You might get scared in the lonely room or from dark because whenever we heard word "DARK" we start creating a image where we are seeing ourself somewhere lonely in the dark. You might be afraid that something you can't see but there it could be anything it be anything it could be a "GHOST" or dark you think that something will jump out and will come all of the sudden and startle you.  But in reality there is totally different thing, nothing like that.  So we can say that we not scared from dark but actually we scared from the unknown things. It could be the combination of things.

Scared Yourself?

It is very easy to get answer of my question my question is not a big deal to solve out.  As we discussed that we all are scared from dark that's not actually the reason is unknown things or maybe the imagination one thing is sure that in this world everything is possible we can't say that unknown do not exists or ghost or etc.
Here we are simply trying to find out the fact of our sacredness or we can say the unknown things. Have you ever noticed that sometimes you find yourself alone in the room sometimes it happens. Suppose you are reading something in your new house.  A house where you have your study table in your room and you are enjoying reading a book and all of the sudden light goes!!.  What will you react then that's the most important thing. Will you be scared ? Or if you are scare then ask to yourself Why?.  You can turn the lights on and you will see that there is nothing which may hurt you or feel you scare. If you think for a moment you might be able to understand what  is making you feel scare in the dark.  And if you will spend some time in the dark you will see that your eyes have adjusted according to the dark or you will be able to see in the dark.


Lokesh Kumar.
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What Are The Most Important Things In Life

Well friends this is question which might be in everyone's Mind that what is the most important things in life? Is that Money, relationship, Job, Or maybe something else. Everyone has their own mind set and their own view to see the life,but what if we think for a moment and ask to ourself that what is the most important things for life.

In this life we all move though life differently,it's just because we have our own mind set to see the life prospective. Some prefer to do as little as possible, while others live at full speed. And how we all spend our time is depends on us.

Let's go step by step.

How we spend our time? What are the few most important things we spend most of the time on? And why what is the reason behind of this? I know these all question's will give you a bit time to think over it, and take a while to answer the question's. You probably would be thinking that why all these questions so important to us,but believe me this are the very important things.

Do you sometimes do things because of other's expectations or to fit in? or Have you ever continued a relationship with someone that's the different thing that it wasn't good for you? Or Generally have you ever spent much time into playing video games, exercising, or doing anything else that maybe later realized wasn't good or important for me. I am telling this because it doesn't mean that we always know what's right for us.

So basically I mean to say, however we are moving forward and pushing our self ahead but it doesn't mean that we're going in the right direction. Even though we don't know whether we are going right, we spend our time reflecting upon our direction, just because trying to understand ourself more better that actually what we want out of this life or ours.

According to me the most important in life is human being alive. Life is connected with time it's kind of ability we have to interact with the world in a way that gives you meaning and positiveness,emotions.or negative trail as well.

Well but "Living a great life means interact with the world in a way which gives you positiveness and take or trying to get more positive emotion's from the world without causing harm rather negative. Here's my few most important thing's in life.

Positive behavior, 

Positive Behavior 

The role of positive behavior in our life is most important,if we are not positive the things around us will automatically turn into negative. In order to get right direction in life we need to fill our mind with positive thought's. Positive thoughts will change your behavior towards the world automatically your periphery, your outer is nothing your ideas and your behavior and way you talk or think positively that's you all about. Take help of Yoga, Meditation, and accept what you are and live life the way thats's right for us. Personally few years back I was not strong enough I always believe on what people judgement or to take the things positive and lived most of my life without having a strong enough self-view. Only during the last few years I have been able to understand the things, So stop dealing with negative trait or feedback and rejection.


As i discussed in my previous blog that health is most important things if we are not healthy we can not think or can't do anything. Take care of your health like a new born baby, having poor health like you are wasting your time and your capability to live the life you want to live. Therefore, if we want to live for a long time with  a mind and body.


Investing our relationship will give you strong positive emotions "spending your valuable time with people and your dear one will grow your relationship stronger and will give your respect deeper. If you will not give time to your dear one or not taking care of relationship or people around you they'ill slowly fade away. In this life we need helping hand communicating with other's always give you feel better or you can make yourself garish with them sharing thoughts,views, these all are give you the knowledge and value for your time. So trying to be frank and invest your time and relationship with world.


Dreams are the things which you want it in your real life. It could be anything it could be little or could be a big. Take dream everyday about what you want in your real life this way to increase the positiveness in your mind because both related to mind. Many dreams comes true with more positive your self-view, This is the secret of your success which i experienced or imbibe from my past personally. Whatever you want to become in your life just before you ready sleep think and dreaming about it, and that dream gonna be true if you are positive and can easily achieve whatever you want in your life, rather then thinking without any mean or wasting time on thinking something.


Your purpose should be clear towards the life, Many people have very less view and capability towards their life aim or we can say life-purpose they spend their whole in hope of getting good just because they are purpose-less or aim less. The thing which should be in our mind that never be a double minded don't be confused to take the decision towards of your purpose it should crystal clear. My purpose of life is live good and make others feel good or do good if you will not do good you will not be able get good.


Values are the words that gonna define you that how you want to live. What moral value you have everyone has the value like you. Suppose you are going for a vacation all alone on your motor bike there is road where no one is present and all of the sudden you motor bike has stopped due to some technical problem. It's obvious that you will be surprised or bit afraid cos there is no one whom you can ask for help! Now you are searching someone to fix your motorbike after searching lot you finally see the one Man and you feel bit better .So the value is the Man here. Value always help you to take right decision or better in your life.

Lokesh Kumar