Monday 21 October 2013

Find A Remote IP

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Find A Remote IP

Method 1

Well guys to view someone's IP# when they send you hotmail email do this:

1. Click "Options" on the upper right side of the page.

2. On the left side of the page Click "Mail"

3. Click "Mail Display Setting"

4. Under "Message Header" Select "Full" or "Advanced"

5. Click OK

That was the first method to see someone's IP, however there are many ways to see someone IP let's check out second Method

In Second method you have to reg a dydns account and install the IP pointer, so each time you ping the host name you regestored

Let's check the example first

Suppose your host name is after then you have to keep the little software's runnig. this will keep your update IP to server

Method 3

Well the another method to check or view someone's IP just simply type in nc-vvv-l-1p 80 on your box, which will set it to listen in verbose mode on port 80. Then give them a link to your IP address. (for example and tell them to type it in their browser. The browser shoudl resolve the address as well as append port 80 automatically. But make sure your fiends is not a computer literate

And finally the last method is just download a very simple server such as this on and install it on your comp. Then run it and give your IP to the person you want and tell them to connect to it through a browser . After that server will log their connection and you will get their IP.

here's the link

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