Saturday 19 October 2013

GTA V For PC Soon

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Well guys you must be thinking about the releasing date for GTA V on PC.. Being as a Gamer from last 7 years I'am also waiting for this to be release on PC platform so I could explore myself.. I have played GTA V on my Console. But I prefer to play on PC because this is something where Comfortable with the Control or there are many matter to me on PC. The latest sources indicate that the supporter for a PC version of GTA V continues to grow with its latest milestone being the 600,000 signature mark.

This petition, had 40,000 signature last year, has grown to 470.000 as of mid-September. With the game having been available on console for just over a month, the number of petition supporter now site at just over 608,000 which is really high. So the anonymous source has indicated that the PC version released is scheduled for next spring. But there are many gamer have worried the game will never be released on PC, same like Red Dead Redemption which is only available on Xbox 360 and PS3. However I don't about the Red Dead Redemption But I'm quite sure that the GTA V will be released on PC very Soon.

GTA V Cheats

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Well friends today I would like share a very important thing which is the GTA V cheats for PS3. so let's start it










Recharge Ability - X,X,SQUARE,R1,L1,X,RIGHT,LEFT,X

Give Parachute - LEFT,RIGHT,L1,L2,R1,R2,R2,LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,L1



Bang Bang (Explosive Bullets) - RIGHT,SQUARE,X,LEFT,R1,R2,LEFT,RIGHT,RIGHT,L1,L1,L1

Flaming Bullets - L1,R1,SQUARE,R1,LEFT,R2,R1,LEFT,SQUARE,RIGHT,L1,L1



Change Weather - R2,X,L1,L1,L2,L2,L2,SQUARE

Slidey Cars - TRIANGLE,R1,R1,LEFT,R1,L1,R2,L1



Spawn Comet - R1,CIRCLE,R2,RIGHT,L1,L2,X.X,SQUARE,R1




Spawn Caddy - CIRCLE,L1,LEFT,R1,L2,X,R1,L1,CIRCLE,X





Panasonic GM1

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Panasonic GM1 Small Micro Four Thirds Camera

The Panasonic recently revealed their new Micro thirds mirror less camera, The GM1 is th smallest camera so far, talk about the measuring part so it is just 98.5mm x 54.9 mm x 30.4mm, the GM1 will take up even less space than Sony Rx100.

The camera is so small but still manages to cram in a 16Mp Live MOS four thirds sensor, a 3in touchscreen Wi-Fi and pop-up flash as well as the function buttons are there. So it all the complete package that you will get in this small camera.  Talk about lens so the Panasonic has also made a new 12-35mm F/3.5-5.6 kit lens which is able to collapse into a more portable size when it's not being used.  The look of this look camera is classy retro look, with solid aluminium body and that's all wrapped up in a portable package - the GM1 is enough to impress.

There is no release date or pricing information yet far but according the sources it could be around $750 (Which includes the kit lens) when it's eventually released.

How To Remove All Partition And Information From Your Hard Drive

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Well guys the trick which I am going to tell you today is for to remove all the information or partition from your hard drive just like brand new hard drive, it will help you if you when FDISK is unable to do so. And this will Remove everything from your hard drive. So let's star it step by step

1. Create a MS DOS boot disk with debug, after open the command prompt type following 


NOTE ( You will receive an error in following command line which I will share but remember  if you anything other than then bold. So keep remember that non-bolded text represents what will appear on your screen once you press [Enter] ) 

-F 200 L1000 0 [Enter]
-A CS:100 [Enter]
xxxx:0100 MOV AX,301 [Enter]
xxxx:0103 MOV BX,200 [Enter]
xxxx:0106 MOV CX,1 [Enter]
xxxx:0109 MOV DX,80 [Enter]

NOTE : ( ---- "80" FOR HD0, "81" FOR HD1)

xxxx:010e INT 13 [Enter]
xxxx:010e INT 20 [Enter]
xxxx:0110 [Enter]

-G [Enter]
" This is for terminate the program normally"
You're done !!!!!!!!! Turn off the computer. and on next startup it will ask you to create new partition and formatted like a brand new.

Windows Logo Key Disable Trick

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Well guys do you annoying when you accidently clicked on the Windows logo key while playing game. Yes it happens sometime suppose you are playing game and almost about to clear the mission and all of the sudden acidently you clicked on the Windows Logo Key. What will you feel,? Don't worry mates I have solution to solve this problem.  I also found it on Microsoft or have registry code as well which will help you  or will save your time.  So let's start it

Copy the code : http://support.

All you have to do is that visit on this site and copy the following message which I'm going to tell you now and save it with extension *.reg, and use it. Your Window Logo Key will be disable

\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map" = hex : 00,00,00,00.00,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,00,00,5b,e0,00,00,5c,e0,\00,00,00,00

Find Your Missing File

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How To Find Missing File

Well guys have you ever downloaded games application or movie, and when it finished you find that the file is missing and you are not able to use it so far Feel very bad yes ofcourse spending lot of time but after end of the time got nothing so guys for that I have one solution for you.  The name of the solution is

This is the way which works through irc (so mirc (or another) it must be installed in your computer to use it.

You can go the specific channel manually and ask for the specific file, When there's someone out who has that file he or she will be send to you automatically or in case if not then the request of your file will be in queu list until someone that has it has sent it to the person that requested it .

I hope this can help out some people have experienced. 

IBM Computer's Beep Code Means

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Well guys today I would like to share IBM POST ERROR CODES with help of you can come to know that you system is working fine or not. so let's start it now

1 short beep System is OK
2 short beeps = it could be Post Error - error code shown on screen no beep power supply or system board problem or it could be system board or keyboard problem repeating short beeps power supply or system board problem.

1 long or 1 short beep system board problem
1 long 2 short beeps display board problem (MDA, CGA)

1 long 3 short beeps Display adapter problem (EGA)
3 long beeps 3270 keyboard card.

Now diagnostic Code 

100 - 199 = System Board 
200 - 299 = Memory
300 -399 = Keyboard
400 - 499 = Monochrome Display
500 - 599 = Color/Graphic Display
600 - 699 = Floppy-disk drive or adapter
700 - 799 = Math Coprocessor
900 - 999 = Parallel Printer Port
1000 - 1099 = Alternate Printer
1100 - 1299 = Asychronous
1300 - 1399 = Game Port
1400 - 1499 = Color or Graphic printer
1500 - 1599 = Synchronous 
1700 - 1799 = Hard Drive
1800 - 1899 = Expansion Unit (XT)
2000 - 2199 = Bisynchronous
2400 - 2599 = EGA System- board Video
3000 - 3199 = LAN
4800 - 4999 = Internal Modem
7000 - 7099 = Phoenix Bios Chips
7300 - 7399 = 3.5 Disk Drive
8900 - 8999 = MIDI Adapter
11200 - 11299 = SCSI 
21000 - 21099 = SCSI Fixed Disk
21500 - 21599 = SCSI CD ROM System

Awesome Trick To Boot Your Windows XP Fast

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How To Boot Your Windows Xp Fast

OK mates we all know that Windows XP is quite fast operating system and has the capability to run every software which is not possible in any other version of Windows.. because if you will try to install something some old programs or software's in order to learn something in that Windows XP proves itself to best to run that software's but sometime it takes some time in booting so here the short trick to make Your Windows Xp fast in booting.

So let's start step by step

1. First you need to open notepad.exe, here's the way ..

Type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.*/q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:\

2. Open the run from start menu and type "gpedit.msc"

3. Double click on the "Windows Setting" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "shutdown" in the right Window.

4. After that in the new window you have to click on the "add","Browser",locate you or search "ntosboot.bat" file which you saved before and click "open".

5. Click "OK" ,"Apply" & "OK" once again to exit

6. Again select run from start menu, and type "devmgmt.msc".

7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"

8. Then right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".

9. Select the "Advance Setting" tab then on the device  or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' you don't need to select 'autodetect' then click on "OK"

10. After that right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and One more time step no. 9


Apple iWatch Preview

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Well after seeing all the smart-watch of all the Companies like Samsung,Sony, these all are the good rival of apple that's why I think apple is planing to pop up their Smart-watch (iWatch).  It could be available soon according to the sources apart of that pebble are already available in the market.  Now all gadget's freaky are waiting to use that iWatch and would also like their or what's special there which stands different from other's. But according rumors that apple iWatch there are 100 apple employees were working on this device .  And apple had started forging a smart-watch deep within its secretive Cupertino-based lair. 

What's So Special In iWatch

Well that would be so difficult to tell that's what's thing in this watch which you could say or think that make this device different from other's, because apple can keep a secret if it really wants to, apart of all that source also said that it could be the flexible display so far there is no confirmation yet so far. According to research NPD Display Search's research, apple is working on 320 x 320 1.3in and 1.6 flexible display. They are also saying the smart-watch will work more then its name becuase by help of the smart-watch you would be able to control everything in your house you can control your central heating system,light and all.. I believe if it is like that it means that's really gonna be tough competition between all the rival's. So we all are waiting for this watch if we talk about the price so that not gonna less than 300 Pounds that's what we are hoping not exact price is not confirmed yet so far.  I hope I will get latest update of this iWatch or I'll share with you guys ... Till then stay tune with Techietech777 

How To Copy Xbox Games

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How To Copy & Burn Xbox Games

OK Mates... I will tell you that how to copy or burn your Xbox and GameCube Games using Cdrwin

So let's start it step by step

Insert your original Cd in your Cd Rom, And open CDR Win (or any other image extractor) to make an ISO image of the game, on your hard drive. and Click on Extract disc / Tracks/ sectors

And now i will tell you the setting which work for me !!

Disc Image / Cue sheet
File - Format : Automatic
Reading - Options:

RAW, CD + G, CD - TEXT and MCN/USRC all unchecked 
Error Recovery: Ignore 
Jitter corrections : Auto
Subcode Analyses : Fixed, Data - Speed : Max
Read Retry count : 10
Audio speed : Max and also put sub-code threshold : 900

That's is You're done now

After that click on start

For recording to a disc all you need to do just install fireburner , then double click on the cue file for the game .. 
Right click and select burn to CD . And that's record DAO or you can try burn it more fast at 2x using PNY diamond CDR.. 

Speed Up Your Firefox

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How to speed up your Firefox

Well guys we all know that Firefox is already pretty fast but do you that we can tweak it and improve the even more that you are getting now, that's the best thing in this program which I like it. So let's start it now.

All you need to do just open the URL and in the URL type "about.config" and press enter

The Configuration window will open up in front of you the Choose "Menu" from where you can change the parameters to increase the speed. It could be the common for mostly of them but it all about the broadband connection that you have and optimized the connection will deliver the excellent performance. It is just like we are opening up  and going to open with pipelining. You'd better have a big connection

After following mentioned steps Double Click on the Following setting and put in the numbers below
for the true / false booleans - they will change when you double click.

here's code to make you understand more better

browser.tabs.showsinglewindosModePrefs - true
network.http.max - connections - 48
network.http.max - connections per - server -16
network.http.max - persistent - connection - per proxy -8
network. http.max - persistent  - connections - per -server -4
network.http.pipelining - true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests - 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining - true
network.http.request.timeout - 300

Afer applying all the code as mentioned above do one more thing that Right Click somewhere on that screen and add a NEW > Integer. and give name "nglayout.initialpain.delay" and set its value to "0". because this value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information receives. 

Now check speed of your browser you will notice that it's working fast!!!!!!!! stay tuned with Techietech777