Saturday 12 October 2013


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When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left,and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.

Hackers Mindset

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Hackers Mindset

What is hacking ? breaking into computer's code or maybe hack the phone system? are they do all? Well this is not the work of real hackers.  A Real hacker solve the problem and build a new things by help of their mind or capability they do all because they want freedom they want to live life independent and they believe in them or voluntary mutual help.

If you think for moment and see the world by hackers view you will see that the world is full of fascinating problem's are waiting to be solved out.  So here's your mind will be test for solving the problem's sharping your mind and exercising your intelligence.  The thinking and time of the hackers is precious.  Well there's no denying that there are hackers with bad intentions hackers were visionaries who could see new ways to use Computer.

How Hackers Work?

Log Keystrokes

Some programs allow hackers to review every keystroke a computer user makes. Hackers installed the program to victim computer's once programs installed the installed programs will record everything each keystroke entered by victim. This is what hacker's want giving everything to hackers later hackers steal the information from the system

Hack Password

There are many way to hack password from educated way. Password is all about the combination of letters,number,or symbols . The trial and error message called brute attack it means hackers trie to generate every possible combination to gain access, or the another way to hack password is Dictionary attack, this is the program that insert common words into password fields.

Virus help

Computer Viruses are programs which designed to crashing the system as we all know.. Hackers use virus to messed up the system and ruin date installed in hard drive just for creating the problem.  Hackers might install a virus by infiltrating a system but it's much more common for hackers to create simple virus and send them to via e-mail  or instant message, or maybe with downloadable content

Back-door Access

Back-door access means that hackers create programs that search unprotected pathway into network system and computers.  In the early day many computer system had limited security, which making possible for hackers to find a pathway into the system without username or password or they can take help of Trojan as well

Zombie Computers

A zombie computer or it called bot, This is a computer which hackers use to send spam or commit Distribute Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Once the victim execute the program the connection open between his computer to the hackers system. And then hackers can use his computer secretly without giving him a hint and can commit crime



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Who doesn't use Facebook?

Facebook considered to be one of the most famous social networking website currently on the world.  Million of users are using this website.  People love this website because it provides to explore your ideas among's million of users sharing your thoughts review's about the product and lot.  Usually individuals think that Facebook is only for young teenagers, but there are so many elders that are on Facebook.  Facebook website is entertaining and fantastic, reason could be anything but let's look at the common reason that why elders love Facebook

They Can Find What their Kids Are Doing
If you are on Facebook, then you can add them and can see what they are doing half of their time.  Facebook is the way to know about your kids.  What they are doing? What they are thinking and What they have been doing for past few months or maybe years etc.

Who's Best
Everybody loves to show off especially about their kids. You know I personally feel that parents love it when  their kids do something that will bring the 

popularity. Because every parents loves bragging about their kids. 

Up To Date With News
Facebook site is not only for chat,blog or making friends whatever appears on the news just happens to appear on the Facebook faster. You can find out about latest news from your friends while doing chat with them or maybe fun.

Share Picture's

Share pictures as much as you can because Facebook offers a facility to feel more connected with your friends or dear one.  You can share picture with relative that live on the other side of the globe,country. The benefit of picture sharing is when you post pictures your relative will see it and your friends can also take a look at them

Always Connected With Friends

The main reason why elders love Facebook is that it is the best way to keep in touch with your friends always. You are connected with your lot of friends at one place. This way you can save time and money

Mysterious Women

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"Women Are Quite Mysterious"

Well according to the people women are quite mysterious and I agree too, what is the reason that they think like that maybe according experience or what they faced or went through. We all know that women always tell a lot of White Lies in order to trick the males. So what all white lies lady always tells a guy. ? Let's start it.

"I got it from sale"

Whenever women say that it was on sale or words like I got it from sale usually means that the item that they purchased was not on sale.  The reason behind of this that they don't want you to get mad that's why they use these words so you will not get mad at them. It is fact that women love to spend money and in order to get some cash they have to tell a bit of a lie because want to purchase their favorite things.

"Weight? Not much"

Most women tend to lie to the males about their weight.  The reason for this is that they want to make the number sound small so that the guy will still like them. Well women are a bit conscious just bit and when it comes to a relationship they will never tell you their exact weight.

"I will never cheat you"

lady use these words because they don't want to lose a guy they love. If women told every guy that they have cheated, then they would not want to be with them. the odds things in this that she has cheated and just trying to cover it up in order to regain the guy trust.  This is way the ladies tell this small lie so that the guy will never suspect a thing.

"I'll be ready in a minute"

This is one of the most popular lies that everyone knows that women tell. Whenever a lady is getting ready for party or for anything there is no possible way that she will be ready in one minute.  Whenever She says this is it means that it will take around and hour or so for her to get dressed and be out the door.

"I don't know"

Most women say this LINE when they do not want to tell us the truth and trying to hide something. The odd thing is that, that in this way they try to convince the guy that they are very innocent and do not know what is going on.  When a woman says this is the odds are that she is lying and definitely concealing something from you.

Lokesh Kumar