Monday 21 October 2013

How To Make .Txt Executable

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Make .TXT Executable
Alright guys as you all know that file name.exe is a Executable file and can run a code or program this post will help you to understand that how to make a.txt Executable that can ran any code you want. So what you waiting for let's start it :)

For that you need to download TXT Icon pack: -

You will get both option for download 32 or 16bit icons

after that open a new file, right click - new - shortcut

then type the location of the item 

"X:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe/c file.text" (X" = Driver)

and name it "readme.txt"


After all that and creating the readmme.txt file click right click on it and choose properties in the - "start in " fill - "%currentdir%"in the - "Run" choose - "Minimized".



then change the icon with one of the TXT icon form the pack by right click on the readme.txt file then-properties change Icon

In order to run execute a file you need one you need to change your Server/virus extantion to. TXT and name it file.txt

now you have a. .TXT shortcut and .TXT Executable, when opening the txt shortcut it opens a command

"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe/c test.text" that execute the file you want.

You're done.. you can hide right click by click right on the readme.txt > properties > Layout >.

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