Monday 21 October 2013

Add An Option To Print The Contents Of A Folder

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How To Add An Option To Print Folder

Well guys you must be facing problem to print any folder in explorer and print its contents ? Well so I will help you with that and will tell you how Add an Option to print. For that you don't need to download any software. so let's start it 

First we will batch file for that 

Open your notepad and type
@echo off
dir %1 /-p /0:gn> "%temp% \ listing"
start / w notepad /p "%temp%
del "%temp% \Listing"

Now you have to save As dialog box, type 
"%windir%\printdir.bat" (Save it without Quotation marks ) 

now Click Start, Control Panel, folder
Then click the file types Tab, and after that click 
File Folder.
Click the Advance button 
Click the New button

Now you have to type "Print Directory Listing" (Without the quotation marks) in the action box

In the application used to perform action box, type "Printdir.bat"
(Without the quotation marks)

Now click OK in all the three dialog boxes and close it

Now you need to edit the Registry so open your favorite registry editor 


Right click on "default" and select Modify 

In the file Data box, type "none" (without quotation)

You're done now

Now when you right click a folder you would be able to see the option to print directory.. :) 


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