Friday 4 October 2013

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Experienced and Inexperienced 


Two men went for fishing.  One was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn't. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to keep it fresh.  Whenever the inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it back.  The experienced fisherman watched this go on all day and finally got tired  of seeing the man waste good fish. "Why do you keep throwing back all the big fish you catch?" he asked.

The inexperienced fisherman replied, "I only have a small frying pan." Sometimes, like that fisherman, we throw back the big plans, big dreams, big jobs, big opportunities that God gives us.  Our faith is to small.  We laugh at the fisherman who didn't figure out that all he needed was a bigger frying pan, Yet how ready are we to increase the size of our faith?

Whether it's a problem or possibility, God will never give you anything bigger than you can handle. that means we can confidently walk into anything God brings our way.

REMEMBER : Stop telling God you've got big problems. Tell your problem you've got a BIG GOD.

Lokesh Kumar.

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In a village, There lived a poor Brahmin priest. He was pious, dutiful and very superstitious.  One day, the Brahmin left for a neighbouring village to collect a gift that he had been promised from rich landlord.  Finishing his job in the neighbouring village, he was on his way back carrying his gift-a fat and healthy goat on his shoulders.

Three hungry crooks crossed path.  They saw the healthy goad on the Brahmin's shoulders and whispered, "That is a very plumb goat.  Let us trick the Brahmin and take the goat away.  We can then make a tasty dish out of it"  They soon made a plan.  The three of them went in separate ways.  The first one stopped stopped the Brahmin and exclaimed in horror, "Oh my god! Such a respected priest and carrying a dog on his shoulders?  Don't you know that it is a sin to touch a dog. or a rooster, or a donkey?"

The Brahmin lost his temper. "You stupid fellow, are you blind? Can't you see it is a goat, not a dog?"
"Don't be angry," replied the first crook. "if you think it is not a dog, then please carry on. But isn't it ridiculous that you are carrying a dog.?"

The brahmin hardly walked a few more yards when the second crook stopped the Brahmin and looked at him in shock.
How can a reputed priest like you carry a dead calf on the shoulder?" exclaimed the crook.

The Brahmin yelled, "Are you blind too? This is a healthy and live goat and you say he is a dead calf.  You are an ignorant fool!"

"All right, Sir," Said the second crook. "please forgive me. Do as you please."

"What's wrong with everyone?"
Wondered the furious Brahmin as he hurried towards his home" The whole world has gone mad?" Now it was the turn of the third crook to the Brahmin's path.  "Sir, why are you carrying a donkey on your shoulders?  It is going to bring you misfortune."

Now the Brahmin was confused.  Three people have said that the goat was something else.  "Have I been given a ghost that keeps changing into a dog, a dead calf or a donkey!" he wondered." I don't want this creature."

"Before it turns into something else, I better get rid of it. " Confused and scared, he threw the goat to the ground and took to his heels.  Coming out of their hiding place, the crooks too the goat and laughed at the stupidity of the Brahmin.  Listening to other's blindly, he got duped.


Lokesh Kumar.

Amazing Paths Of Life

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Give me some work or I shall eat you 


A man was going through a forest.  He was tired and sat under a tree to rest.  Near the tree were some bushes. In the bushes he heard a whistle.  The man got up and went to look.  He saw a bottle lying under a bush.  The whistle was coming from the bottle .  The man opened the bottle to look inside.  Immediately a lot of black smoke came out from the bottle.  The Smoke rose high in the sky.  Then then smoke turned into a ghost.  It was a big ghost, as tall as a tree.

The ghost was red in color.  He had red eyes and large golden earrings in his ears.  He roared, "Give me some work or I shall eat you up".

The man was very frightened. "W-what sort of work do you want ?" he asked the ghost.

"Any kind of work I want work that is it" The ghost replied. " you have let me out from the bottle, so you have to give me work to do.  I must keep working, day and night.  The moment you stop giving me work, I shall eat you".

"Take me to my house," the man said.  The ghost picked up the man. In half a second he reached the man's house. Again he said, "Give me some work to do or I shall eat you up." Make me a big palace," the man said.

In a few minutes the palace was ready. The ghost again said loudly,"Give me some work or I shall eat you up"
"Get me plenty of gold and jewels the man said. Soon the gold and jewels were there. "Give me some work or I shall eat you up." The ghost said.

"Get me nice clothes to wear." At once the ghost brought the clothes. "Give me some work or I shall eat you up."
"Get me some food. " In a second the man found the table loaded with delicious food.  He tried to eat. but he got no time.  The ghost again said. "Give me some work or I shall eat you up."
The man kept on giving work to the ghost.  He could not eat at all.  When nigh came the ghost would not let him sleep. "Give me some work or I shall eat you up." He said.

The man got very worried.  How could he eat ? How could he sleep? If he did not find more and more work, the ghost would eat him up. Then the man had an idea.  He told the ghost. "Make me a tall pillar, as high as the sky.  And be quick."  In just a few minutes the ghost was back. "The pillar is ready," He said. "Now give me some work or I shall eat you up."

"Now listen carefully ," the man said. "climb up the pillar till you reach the top.  Then climb down till you reach to the earth. Then climb up to the top and come down again keep on doing so till I tell you to stop.  And mind you don't waste anytime."

The ghost was very happy, For he now had plenty to do. He went up the pillar, came down, went up, Came down. He went on doing so. Then man watched for some time. Then he went inside and ate the food the ghost had brought.  After that he went off to sleep.

Next Morning he got up and went outside. He saw the ghost going up and down the pillar.  The man was very happy. Many days passed.  The ghost kept on going up and down the pillar. At the end of a month he was still doing it. He now felt a little tired.

"please sir," he said to the man,
"May I stop now ? I have been going up and down the pillar for a month."

"How can you stop?" the man said.
"you cannot stop till I tell you. So keep on going up and down the pillar."

Another three months passed . Now the ghost was really tired, "Sir" He said "I can't do it anymore. I must stop now."

"You can stop on one condition," the man said.  You must go away from here, and never come back.
"I promise ," the ghost said.
"Very well, you may stop now. And take away that pillar with you."

The ghost picked up the pillar and ran away.  Then man never saw him again :)

Lokesh Kumar