Saturday 19 October 2013

Speed Up Your Firefox

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How to speed up your Firefox

Well guys we all know that Firefox is already pretty fast but do you that we can tweak it and improve the even more that you are getting now, that's the best thing in this program which I like it. So let's start it now.

All you need to do just open the URL and in the URL type "about.config" and press enter

The Configuration window will open up in front of you the Choose "Menu" from where you can change the parameters to increase the speed. It could be the common for mostly of them but it all about the broadband connection that you have and optimized the connection will deliver the excellent performance. It is just like we are opening up  and going to open with pipelining. You'd better have a big connection

After following mentioned steps Double Click on the Following setting and put in the numbers below
for the true / false booleans - they will change when you double click.

here's code to make you understand more better

browser.tabs.showsinglewindosModePrefs - true
network.http.max - connections - 48
network.http.max - connections per - server -16
network.http.max - persistent - connection - per proxy -8
network. http.max - persistent  - connections - per -server -4
network.http.pipelining - true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests - 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining - true
network.http.request.timeout - 300

Afer applying all the code as mentioned above do one more thing that Right Click somewhere on that screen and add a NEW > Integer. and give name "nglayout.initialpain.delay" and set its value to "0". because this value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information receives. 

Now check speed of your browser you will notice that it's working fast!!!!!!!! stay tuned with Techietech777

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