Sunday 20 October 2013

Nvidia Announces One-Click Streaming

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Nvidia New One-Click Streaming 

Well guys Nvidia has Announced the One click Twitch streaming sources indicated that the recent event in Montreal in morning. The CEO of Nvidia Jen-Hsun Huang announced shadow play and the gaming recording function is already inbuilt the GeForce experience software.. The most interesting thing about the shadow play that footage can also be streamed to twitch with just the help of a button.

So, now you will thinking that how it works ?  well friends Shadow play always record in the background of your PC gaming.  Now you can imaging that you have Kepler based Nvidia GPU and recording the last 20 minutes of gameplay in full 1080p resolution. However the service will be into beta on 28 October. 

Nvidia is best GPU Making company in The world so diffidently whatever they will deliver that would be completely Performance. Performance is essential to keep giving you the nice of gaming specially, apart of announcement of the one click streaming Nvidia team also presented a demo of few games like: Splinter Cell, Blacklist, and easily streamed the gameplay to twitch. And believe me there was no lag for a second and looked fantastic and the computer which was running on Titan was still running splinter Cell at 120 Frame per second. Upload to Twitch will run at 60 per second, you can choose the resolution according to your need within the Ge Force Experience.

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