Sunday 20 October 2013

Google's Glass Is Awesome

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People+ and Google Glass Will Tell You Exactly Who Is Nearby 
The people+ and the glass application will tell you who to talk to, it could be like enter into new world of technology amazingly it's really surprising.  It could be the best of best and killer application for Google's Glass - that will tell you exactly who is near by and why you should talk them, and even which friends you have in common.

Suppose you are in the party and wondered who else is at a party, then this application will help you out.  Initially an iOS directory of firms and individuals, And this is the Ultimate networking application. 

The hugely impressive demo video of this people+ is aiming to be the first killer app for the Glass. You can check out this video on Youtube with name party time. This Glass application can scan the room and tell you who you should talk to. So far the firm is currently secertive about the its' Glass application and how it gonna tell you more. but also said that all of the information it collects is publically available. It sounds Good. Like me you also be waiting for the Glass and would like know more.its impressive no doubt its would be the new revolution of technology 

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