Wednesday 9 October 2013

Is Someone There?

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Is Someone There?

Today I would like to share with you a thing which always comes in my mind that why we get scared from dark or maybe from something which always look strange.  Strange means to say, that it could be anything , maybe strange house or isolated place,sound. But my question is something my question is WHY?. Let's find out.

Well it depends on us that how we take the things around us, let's start myself suppose if someone asks me that why I scared from height? I will simply maybe I feel that I could fall and get hurt.  So that was me, this is how it depends on us not everyone scares from height.  Some people scared from balloon because they think that balloon gonna popped right in their face. Same happens with dark.


You might get scared in the lonely room or from dark because whenever we heard word "DARK" we start creating a image where we are seeing ourself somewhere lonely in the dark. You might be afraid that something you can't see but there it could be anything it be anything it could be a "GHOST" or dark you think that something will jump out and will come all of the sudden and startle you.  But in reality there is totally different thing, nothing like that.  So we can say that we not scared from dark but actually we scared from the unknown things. It could be the combination of things.

Scared Yourself?

It is very easy to get answer of my question my question is not a big deal to solve out.  As we discussed that we all are scared from dark that's not actually the reason is unknown things or maybe the imagination one thing is sure that in this world everything is possible we can't say that unknown do not exists or ghost or etc.
Here we are simply trying to find out the fact of our sacredness or we can say the unknown things. Have you ever noticed that sometimes you find yourself alone in the room sometimes it happens. Suppose you are reading something in your new house.  A house where you have your study table in your room and you are enjoying reading a book and all of the sudden light goes!!.  What will you react then that's the most important thing. Will you be scared ? Or if you are scare then ask to yourself Why?.  You can turn the lights on and you will see that there is nothing which may hurt you or feel you scare. If you think for a moment you might be able to understand what  is making you feel scare in the dark.  And if you will spend some time in the dark you will see that your eyes have adjusted according to the dark or you will be able to see in the dark.


Lokesh Kumar.

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