Tuesday 22 October 2013

Yahoo Messenger Without Ad Trick

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Yahoo Hack Trick

Well mates today I would like share with a small trick by help of this trick you can stop advertising on yahoo messenger and can enjoy chat with your friends without disturbance. For that you don't need any software just by following steps you would be able to do so. Let's start it

Start > Run > Type > Regedit

Go to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Yahoo > Pager > View

Now, inside the 'View' key there a several other keys. go through are several other keys go through each one and edit the banner "URL"  String to your liking.  It even works if the string is left blank (This causes it to look as if ads were never even implemented)!

That's  all you have to do .. nothing more after that just.. restart your Yahoo IM for the effect to take hold

You can restart your computer as well

You're done

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