Friday 11 October 2013

Truth Or Lie

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Truth Or Lie

Is that someone you know who tells lie.? What will you do if someone telling lie you have doubt on him. Well   it is very common to see people lie I mean in this world we can easily see people telling lie around us. What is the one thing which makes you about the person that he or she telling lie? Is that expression? or something else? What all are the factor to judge someone's lie. Typically what happens in a person who is lying his eyebrows being drawn upward toward the forehead or micro expression will be an emotion of distress. So today we will discuss about the lier.

Micro Expression
Micro expression is the tiny expression or we can say the facial expression which describe what person actually trying to hide or what he is thinking somewhere deep in mind,but not everybody can read the micro expression.  According to many people a lying person is more likely to cover his or her mouth with hands.  The reason behind of this is when you tell a lie or if the mouth appears tense and the lips are pursed this can indicate distress.

Eye Movements
Well the most important thing is when you talk to someone you always talk with confident or trying make to make eye contact but if a person is remembering something or making something up based on eye moments and whenever we try to remember something or recall the memory our eyes automatically come in use. "Why".? Cos it is interconnected with our thoughts so what happens with lier whey they lie his eye moment will tell you everything lier eye blink rapidly this more common in men then women

Body Language
.Well if we talk about body language we will see that there are many things possible by help of body language.  People tend to sweat more then normal when they lie however his is not for everyone but this happens with most of them.  This is not more reliable indication about person that he or she telling lie or true another body is shyness, shyness is can also be the reason that someone maybe telling lie. Some body language sign like: Trembling , blushing , and difficult in swoling?

Smart Enough
This has been seen that if a person is telling the truth of has nothing to hide he or she tends to lean forward or toward the listener because he or she wants to give more or more information about the thing which they have in their mind.  But with lier there is totally different thing a lier lean backward which is the sign that he or she not wants give more information.  Sometime it happens that a person who is lying her or she tries to speak lot or give information without any mean sense-less talk and tries to change the track from the original direction.

Well be serious is a good thing whenever we heard word serious one word comes in mind "Oh wow serious then person must be a true,focussed or serious towards the work or whatever he is saying".  People tend to be more serious  after lying or maybe why they lie.  They react like they are very serious or know only important thing and like to talk to the point.  But in reality they are not like that they pretend to be over-smart or serious.

Well if we talk about voice it means we are talking about very serious point by paying attention towards the person voice we can catch the lier at the spot.  Because person voice can be good lie indicator. Most of the cases people start speaking fast all of the sudden at the same time they are also thinking in their mind so the connection between voice and think sometimes reflect by your voice.

Powerful Words
Well people tend to use some powerful words in their conversation so the person can believe that he or she telling true. Words like: I was brought up to never lie, to be very honest, frankly and etc. These can be the sign of deception or they can answer quickly just after your question with negative or sometimes repeat the sentences or words and lier tries to use that words which sound convincing.


Lokesh Kumar

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