Monday 14 October 2013

Samsung Galaxy Round With Curve Screen

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Samsung Galaxy Round Curvy

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 going to revealed their new Smartphone with Curvy Screen according the sources  by Esat Dedexade 9 October 2013 Samsung has officially revealed a curved screen smartphone called the Galaxy round, a Note 3 in a Curvy suit. With a 5.7 in 1080 display , 3GB of RAM, Qualcomm's Quad core Snapdragon 800 Processor and a 13 MP camera, it's certainly no slouch in the spec department.  But it's the screen the going to bring new revolution in the market and catch the headline.

Curved along it's vertical axis the OLED Display should - in theory make the Galaxy Round a little more comfortable to slip into your pocket. Beyond that there is little added functionality apart from a new feature which Samsung called

Round Interaction

This is the yet another feature notch in Techonogies belt. It's being touted as a quick way to check the date, time notification and battery just simply by tilting the round up towards you when it's on a table. Samsung has also worked on new tilt and tap based interaction for music and photo,app, but beyond that round appears to be curvy Note 3 

The Samsung Galaxy Round will be released in South Korea in Luxury brown tomorrow for around US $1,013 and while it's hardly the fordable miracle Smartphone we've all been waiting for it could be an important first step towards a truly flexible smartphone feature.

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