Thursday 17 October 2013

Free X-box Live Trick

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Free X-box Live Trick

Well guys today I would like to  share with you some tricks by help of this tricks I hope you guys would be able to use Xbox Live without paying a cent only if you have a free 2 months of trial.

In first go,you have to go to and download the current version of XBC Connect. In Second go you must get a Ethernet cable and connect to your X-box to your router (You must have one BTW).

After completing all above steps thirdly you have to install and open xbconnect and create a new account, thereafter you will go to and sign in your. NET password and create a profile for xbox live. 
The last that you will do it is open your Xbox with Xbox live supported game and follow the simple setup for Xbox live..

YOUR DONE.!!!!!!!

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